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ADD Connect BV general terms and conditions of offered telephone service

  1. These general terms and conditions apply to all agreements and offers regarding the telephone service offered by ADD Connect BV in the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 56831056 (hereinafter ADD Connect), as described on the website, ADD Business Point, or ADD Business Center, or other companies affiliated directly or indirectly with ADD Connect are limited to telecom services as mentioned on the ADD Telephone Service website, These conditions do not apply to other services or products of ADD Connect BV, services provided to its other party(s) (hereafter referred to as the other party) or products of any kind whatsoever, unless the parties expressly deviate from this and with mutual agreement and it is recorded in writing. Applicability of any general terms and conditions of the other party are explicitly rejected.
  2. All offers from ADD Connect offered Telephone Service are without obligation and exclusive of VAT. ADD Connect offered Telephone Service is entitled to adjust the applicable prices and rates. ADD Connect offered Telephone Service gives notice written to the other party. The price adjustment/rate change will take effect in one month after the date of the written notification. If the contracting party desires not to agree with the price adjustment/rate change, he/she is entitled to cancel the agreement by a registered letter within eight working days to terminate the agreement by registered mail after the written notification against the date on which the change would come into effect stated in the ADD Connect offered Telephone Service
  3. Payment of the services and/or products provided by ADD Connect offered by the Telephone Service takes place as follows: per month in advance the agreed subscription rates are cashed or invoiced and per month afterwards and the settlement takes place regarding the number of services performed and any additional services used. Payments are made via automatic authorization. The other party authorizes the ADD Connect offered Telephone Service to automatically collect both the subscription costs and the amounts owed per month and will fully cooperate with them.
  4. In the event of non-payment or late payment, the other party is legally in default. From that moment on, the other party owes interest of 1.5% per month on the outstanding amount and the other party is also obliged to fully reimburse extrajudicial and judicial costs, including all costs charged by external experts (attorneys' fees) related to the collection of the claim of ADD Connect offered Telephone Service on the other party. The amount of these costs is fixed at least 15% of the amount due. In addition ADD Connect offered Telephone Service is entitled to charge administration costs of at least € 35 in case of non (timely) payment.
  5. If the other party remains in default of the fulfillment of the agreement, including not (timely) fulfilling his/her payment obligations, ADD Connect offered Telephone Service is entitled to cease and suspend its services from the moment the claim becomes due and payable. If the telecommunications traffic of the other party causes nuisance to the business operations of ADD Connect offered Telephone Service, ADD Connect offered Telephone Service may temporarily or completely disable the services, if necessary, at the discretion of ADD Connect offered Telephone Service.
  6. Except for cases of gross negligence or intent, ADD Connect offered Telephone Service accepts no liability on any grounds whatsoever, nor is it obliged to compensate damage of whatever nature and under what denominator, arising as a result of not timely or not properly send, receive, transmit, display and execute the by ADD Connect offered Telephone Service provided services. This also applies if a delay has occurred in sending, receiving, passing on and executing the services provided. The other party indemnifies ADD Connect offered Telephone Service for (the consequences of) any liability of ADD Connect offered Telephone Service towards third parties.
  7. Shortcomings of ADD Connect offered Telephone Service in the fulfillment of the agreement cannot be attributed to ADD Connect offered Telephone Service if the shortcoming is the result of or is related to a circumstance outside the power of ADD Connect offered Telephone Service. As such, in any case the failure of telephone, electricity and internet services applies.
  8. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the liability of ADD Connect offered Telephone Service for damage suffered by the other party and/or any involved third parties is limited to a maximum of € 2000.00 per event (whereby a series of connected events is considered as one event) or if ADD Connect offered Telephone Service for the event causing the damage is insured up to the amount paid by the insurer in this respect. Damage must be communicated to ADD Connect offered Telephone Service in writing as soon as possible, but in any case within one month of its occurrence. Liability for indirect damage, including consequential damage, loss of profit missed savings and damage due to business interruption, is excluded.
  9. ADD Connect offered Telephone Service is obliged to maintain the confidentiality of all information entrusted to it due to the services to be provided and the information that has come to its attention in connection with the execution thereof. ADD Connect offered Telephone Service will execute the agreement to the best of its knowledge and ability and in accordance with the requirements of good workmanship. If and insofar as proper execution of the agreement so requires, ADD Connect offered Telephone Service is entitled to have certain work carried out by third parties.
  10. ADD Connect offered Telephone Service is authorized to make changes to these terms and conditions. These changes take effect on the time announced by ADD Connect offered Telephone Service. The amended conditions will be sent to the other party by ADD Connect offered Telephone Service in a timely manner. If no date of entry into effect of the changed conditions has been announced, these changes will take effect at the moment that they are communicated to the other party in writing.
  11. Privacy statementCookie policyapply to services and the method of ADD
  Telephone Service: this is understood as the answering of telephone calls from the customer with instructions as indicated on the intake form Customer: the company that has entered into and has signed the cooperation agreement Contact details ADD Connect BV: Stationspark 8 4462 DZ Goes Tel: +31(0)113-789 003 Fax: +31(0)113-789 020 E-mail: