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Terms and conditions of the Service Office

a. The service office is a service provided by ADD Urban B.V. located at Stationspark 8 05 in Goes and Registered in the Trade Register of the Netherlands under the number of 58681345 (hereinafter referred as ADD) put into operation and gives the Client the right to use the address of ADD Business Point (ADD) that is specified in this agreement as the business address, subject to an exception in certain places and not as the registered address of office. Telephone answering is the service that enables him/her to answer calls to a telephone number assigned by ADD in the name of the company to the Client. The Service Office is a service that is put into operation by ADD that gives the Client the right to use the address of the location of ADD that is specified in this Agreement as the address of business, subject to an exception in certain places and not as the registered address of office and makes the telephone answering possible by a phone number assigned by ADD in the name of firm that is specified by the Client, and receiving mail and fax with the name of the Client. The client also has the right to a workplace for 40 hours per month. This right can be exercised after payment of the relevant hours per month in advance at the rates applicable at that time. Not used hours cannot be taken to the next month. Calls, faxes and mail will be handled according to instructions specified by the client. The client is responsible for the resulting shipping and service costs. The Client can book flexible spaces such as a consulting room, coaching room, flexing places and part-offices in the online agenda of Deskbookers if the client wants to make use of it. When using this agenda system, the general conditions tenants and privacy statement of Deskbookers also apply. This Agreement applies only to those persons mentioned on the cover page and ADD is not obliged to provide the service to another person and is not responsible for any post or calls received for any other person. Access to all locations of ADD is available during normal hours of performance unless otherwise agreed. Additional fees may apply.

b. This Agreement starts on the day mentioned in the initial Agreement and expires at the end of the contract term as specified in this Agreement, subject to the condition that an Agreement always ends on the last day of the month. Notice of termination of this agreement must be made written and delivered to a proxy or authorized person of either party or sent by registered mail to the ADD main office or the address of the Client if necessary. Upon termination of the Agreement for any reason, it is the duty and responsibility of the client to give all parties a change of address. The Chamber of Commerce must also be informed by means of the correct form that is intended for this. Subsequent mail, sent to the location of ADD, will be returned to the sender unless other agreements have been made about it.

c. Each of the parties can terminate the Agreement at the end of the (initial) contract term with due observance of a notice period of 1 month for an agreement which has been entered into with an (initial) contract term of at least 1 month. After the expiry of the (initial) contract term, the agreement is automatically continued with the (initial) contract term.

d. For each agreement regardless of the duration of the agreement, we will increase your current standard price on each and any prescription of the starting date of your agreement by 4% or CPI, whichever is greater, or such other broadly equivalent index that we substitute, times the previous year.

e. All rates and costs are paid in Euros.

f. The monthly fee is automatically collected by ADD by means of a business debt collection from the IBAN number known to ADD. It is the responsibility of the Client to ensure sufficient balance on the account so that the amount to be collected can be cashed. For refused direct debits, a € 25 service fee will be charged. Rejected direct debits are collected once again after the expiry of the payment term. This repeated collection will be repeated until the moment the collection succeeds or the amount has been transferred manually.

g. The rate for an ADD Service office is paid in advance on the first business day of each month or quarter as specified in the agreement. Costs outside the fixed monthly amounts will be determined at the end of each month, adjusted to the activities of that month. The Deposit must be paid before the commencement date and will be repaid within 30 days after termination of this Agreement, depending on the fees that are still owed. In addition, ADD reserves the right at any time to require a Deposit equal in value to the largest of either two months ADD Service office fee or the sum of all outstanding rates and costs payable by the Client, regardless of whether or not payment follows. All rates and costs must be paid within 14 days of the invoice date. ADD reserves the right at any time to suspend services as specified in this Agreement (with or without notice) or to terminate the Agreement if fees are not paid at the end of the day that the payment term expires or the amounts arising from only deposits have not been paid.

h. ADD does not accept items above 4.5 kg in weight, 46 cm in size, 0.03 cubic meters in volume or if items contain dangerous, living or perishable goods and is authorized to return goods that are not picked up or to refuse quantities of goods which it considers unreasonable or unlawful. ADD does not guarantee any of the services below and accepts no responsibility for this.

i. The Client guarantees that he will not use any of the rights derived from this Agreement for any obscene, illegal, immoral or defamatory purposes and will not discredit ADD in any way. The Client will in no way use or combine the ADD name, in whole or in part, with activities as an intention. ADD reserves the right to cooperate with any official investigation authority, if this is necessary in relation to accusations or inaccuracies against a client.

j. ADD can terminate the Agreement with immediate effect, without notice unless required by law, if the customer:

- if the amounts due by him do not take place at the specified times; does not fulfill any obligation under the agreement.

- the use of the business center, or the use by one of the customer's employees or third parties who use the business center with approval, is not in accordance with normal use of the office space;

- loses the free disposal of its assets or part thereof;

- if he is not a natural person, chooses his legal personality, is dissolved or actually liquidated;

- offers an agreement outside bankruptcy or if goods are seized from the customer;

- comes to die.

- If ADD terminates the agreement with immediate effect on the basis of the above, the customer must nevertheless comply with the following conditions and obligations:

- Payment of any additional services used;

- Payment of the basic amount of the remaining term of the agreement if no

- immediate cancellation had taken place or (if longer) for a period of 3 months; and

- Indemnifies ADD for any costs and losses and possible agreements of third parties as a result of the immediate termination.

k. The Client agrees with the fact that ADD may disclose or use any personal data that ADD of Client or in relation to Client has in its possession, provided that ADD takes reasonable steps to ensure that this is only done to fulfill the obligations of the Client with respect to this Agreement, taxes or fraud prevention.

l. ADD is not liable for any losses resulting from mechanical defects, strikes, delays or errors of any staff member, manager or executor in the performance of their duties.

m. ADD is not liable for receiving postal items or parcels. Once in the possession of ADD, items will be processed within a period of 5 working days or will be forwarded in accordance with client instructions. If the client has not given any instruction, then letterbox mail will be forwarded by ordinary mail to the postal address known to us, packages will in that case be returned to the sender. If no postal address is known, all items will be returned to the sender.

n. Disputes concerning the amount of the invoice do not affect payment of the invoice

o. Dutch law applies to this Agreement

p. ADD is not liable for damage caused to the person or goods of the customer or third parties due to the occurrence and the consequences of visible and invisible defects in the office space, the building or complex of which the office space is part, or caused by the performance and the consequences of weather conditions, of stagnation in the accessibility of the office space, of stagnation in the provision of gas, water, electricity, heat ventilation or air treatment, of disturbance of the installations and equipment, of the inflow and outflow of gases or liquids, of fire, detonation and other incidents, of impairment in the use of the office space and of impairment or deficiencies in the provision of ADD services except in case of damage caused by gross negligence or serious negligence of ADD with regard to the state of the office space or of the building or complex of which the office space is part. ADD is not liable for loss of profits of the customer or for damage resulting from the activities of the other customers or of obstacles in the use of the office space caused by third parties. If for whatever reason ADD cannot offer its services, its liability is limited to the reimbursement of a reasonable part of the basic amount. The customer is obliged to take timely measures to prevent and limit damage to the office space. The customer is obliged to inform ADD immediately if damage to or in the office space has occurred or is about to occur. ADD is in no way liable for any lost sales, lost profits, loss of expected (cost) savings, loss or damage of data, claims from third parties or consequential damages. The customer is strongly advised to insure himself against such losses, damages, costs or claims.

q. If, for whatever reason, ADD is no longer able to offer the services and accommodation in the Business Center as agreed, the agreement will terminate without the need for cancellation. In that case, the customer is obliged to pay the basic amount and the amount for any additional services up to the day the agreement ends/has ended. ADDBC will try, but is never obliged to find replacement for office space at one of its other locations in the Netherlands.

r. Upon expiry, cancellation or termination of this agreement, for any reason beyond default, to ensure a smooth transition, you will continue to receive the same services for a period of 3 months, for which you will continue to be invoiced. Any agreement of less than 3 months will only continue for 45 days. Under this agreement, ADD will forward the Client's mail on a once weekly basis to a designated address, the assigned telephone number will remain active and the calls will be automatically forwarded to voicemail, which the Client will have access to. The Client must pay a monthly fee equal to the monthly service fee for services rendered, plus all costs associated with forwarding the mail. The mail and telephone services will only be continued for agreements in which the services were included.

s. Privacy declarationCookie policy apply to services and the method of ADD